28 September 2008

Eschatology 10 - TQN Music Theraphy

On September 11 I wrote something about depression and my music inclination.

Let's side track for a while to my self analysis and diagnosis of the depression and the musics which I called music theraphy.

The following is the article which is an extract from another of my series called Eschatology.

Eschatology 10 - TQN

TQN is the abbreviation for Thoreqat Qodiriyyah Naqsyabandiyyah. It is a combination of Thoreqat Qodiriyyah and Naqsyabandiyyah formulated in Mecca by Syaikh Ahmad Khatib bin Abdul Ghaffar al-Sambasi al-Jawi.

Thoreqat can be understood as a system by which man can get closer to GOD. Beginners would be required to memorise and read repeatedly certain verses from the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad in order to train himself to remember GOD consistently within 24 hours and 7 days a week.

Syaikh Ahmad Khatib received a legitimacy (khirqoh) as a legitimate teacher (mursyid) of both Tariqah Qodiriyyah and Naqsyabandiyyah. He was a prestigious Indonesian religious scholar (ulama) but became a permanent resident in Mecca and died there in 1878.

He had many followers and representatives world-wide. In Cirebon, a Central Java District of Indonesia, TQN was represented by Syaikh Ahmad Tolhah bin Talabudin.

In 1908, Syaikh Ahmad Tolhah appointed Syaikh Abdullah Mubarok bin Nur Muhammad, as his representative and leader (khalifah) of TQN at the Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. Syaikh Abdullah is passionately known as Abah Sepuh by the TQN ikhwan (members).

When he died in 1956, his son KH. A Shohibulwafa Tajul Arifin, who is known as Abah Anom, took the lead. He lead the TQN movement to nation building by improving their education, sosio-economy, irrigation system, agriculture and hydro-electricity.

TQN is a moderate religious group helping man to balance between spiritual obligations and worldly affairs. Ustaz Ali bin Mohamed as the khalifah of TQN in Singapore, shown a good example by working together with MUIS and the government to save humanity from destruction.

There will always be differences between 2 person. But with diplomacy and compromising we are building bridges of understanding. If we begin with hairsplitting of differences then understanding is almost impossible.

I had the oppurtunity to attend the 2-day Tasawwuf Seminar organised by TQN on 5 and 6 February 1989. Many ikhwan from Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Brunei attended the seminar. But I did not havea n opportunity to attend their regular classes on religious knowledge.

Although I had a friend as an ikhwan, but there do not seem to be any ushering of visitors to be a member. Perhaps I should have surrendered myself to Ustaz Ali. But I did not meet him in person and did not talk to anyone about my intention. Thus, it was only a one-session experience.

However, the acappella recitation of the 99 names and attributes of God by some ikhwan drew my fullest attention and emotion. I sang it along.

In one of the session during the seminar in Khadijah Mosque at Lorong 29 Geylang, I observed and learned the head movement when reciting the zikir "La ilaha ill Allah" as follows:-

La - the head turn to the left

ila - turning the head to the right

ha - head looking up

ill - head looking down

Allah - head looking up again and down

then....back to 'La' and repeat the above.

The recitation had a slow start with the warming up of the head movement. However, the word 'ill' is stressed with a comanding note.

As the recitation got faster the head moved vigourously up and down. The commanding note became like thunder.

At the fastest speed the head movement is like the 'head banging' of the rockers and the recitation is like the gurgling of a steam engine.

Sometime in May 1997, when I got drifted far away from God and became obsessed with rock concert and long hair culture, I was reminded of the 'head banging' movement of the zikir of the TQN ikhwan.

The drift began in 1990 when I decided to retreat from all religious activities to give more attentions to my children's education and also partly due to night shift-work that both my wife and I had to adhere to.

Unknowingly, my life was drifting to emptiness, although I was happily married with 3 children and had a promising career. By 1994 it became a dark vacuum and I fell into the labyrinth of depression.

I took up rock music as a hobby and was so desperately clinging on to it to fill my emptiness. I was illusioned to see that some of its lyrics represented my meaningless life.

Iklim, BPR and Bon Jovi sang me lullaby to my retreat. Sad to admit but true that Mettalica had influenced me that I was 'The Unforgiven' and to me 'Nothing Else Matter' and I became 'My Friend Of Misery' who claimed to be 'Holier Than Thou' but unfortunate had found 'The God That Failed'.

A sudden Loudness whispered that I was 'Lost Without Your Love' and in'Losing You' I became 'So Lonely' and I could not 'Find A Way' home.

As I lingered in the labyrinth of darkness an Iron Maiden shouted at me not to'Fear Of The Dark'. It is a difficult road from 'Here to Eternity'. Don't go on'Wasting Love'. Do something. 'Be Quick Or Be Dead'.

My life became complicated it's like Guns & Roses.

For a while I thought I had attained Nirvana. But when they go around the stage breaking drums and guitars, I realized that I was 'Walking On The Edge' of hell with Scorpions. 'When The Smoke Is Going Down', a 'Lady Starlight' seduced me to 'Believe In Love' and she whispered a ballad that HE is 'Still Loving You.'

In Spring the flowers bloomed again and the family doctor opened his clinic. With his Emotional Intelligence, Dr Search diagnosed that I had 'Double Trouble'. I was deliberately destroying my life as I was sulking away from God. I was like a child who was beaten by his father.

In May, Wings of M Nasir finally blew me back to the shore of hope with his beautiful and adorable composition "Kepada MU Kekasih" meaning "To YOU my Love".

This song is about the Love between man and GOD, and how a man regretted his sins and repented to GOD and hope that GOD will forgive and accept him when it is time to return to GOD in Eternity.

However, like many other songs, people and fans was misguided that the composer was writing about love between a man and a woman.

Yes, in the May 1997 head-banging rock concert by the father of Malay Rock, Ramli Sarip, I was actually reciting 'La illaha ill ALLAH', the way I had recited it at Khadijah Mosque with the TQN ikhwan.

Tears of repentance welled in my eyes as the concert receded to the closing song 'KAU Yang SATU' (YOU Are The ONE).

Instantaneously, I was lifted from depression and the following week the world saw me going to Al-Khair Mosque, attending family motivation seminars.

The seminar reminded me of my days in Ba'Alwi, Muhammadiyyah, Tabligh Jamaat and Darul Arqam.

After the 3-week seminar, my wife managed to persuade me to attend the religious class conducted by Ustaz Abdul Rahman Mohamed at Al-Khair Mosque.

My life changed immediately to a sunshine meadow after a thunder storm. I strongly believed it has got to do with reciting the zikir 'La ilaha ill ALLAH'.

And reciting this zikir is one of the major daily events of the ikhwan of TQN at the Khadijah Mosque. It is also a major event of the 1-week TQN Annual Maulud Celebration (Prophet Muhammad's Birthday Celebration).

Iklim, BPR, May, Spring, Search, Wings, M Nasir and Ramli Sarip are Malay rockers, while Bon Jovi, Guns N Roses, Scorpions, Loudness, Mettalica, Iron Maiden and Nirvana are international rock and heavy metal bands.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^escha daily event is to write^^^^^^^^^^^^^

20 September 2008

006-4e1 Continuation of the Historical events on The Cave

Translation, Commentary & Explanation of Chapter 18 Al-Kahfi.

So the 2 delegates returned to the unbelievers Quraisy people and said,"We return to you with matters between you and Muhammad."

Then the Quraisy went to meet Prophet Muhammad and asked him the 3 questions.

Prophet Muhammad replied,

"I will tell you the answer tomorrow." without saying, if GOD wills.

Then they went away and Prophet Muhammad was silent for 15 days waiting for revelation from GOD for the answers, but, the angel Gabriel did not come down with the revelation and answer from GOD. There were commotions among the Meccan people.

Meanwhile, Prophet Muhammad was in a sad and difficult situation because the revelation has stopped coming to him with the answers.

Then, the angel Gabriel came with the revelation of this Chapter 18 of the Quran.

In these verses are the answers to the 3 questions regarding the history of the 7 youths who went for seclusion in the Cave and the man who conquered the Far West and Far East.

However, the verse for the answer about the spirit was categorised as a verse in
Chapter 17 - Al Isra' Verse 85.

"They asked you about the spirit. Tell them that the spirit come from my Lord and you will not understand its nature as you have been granted very little knowledge."

[Both Muhammad Asad and Abdullah Yusuf Ali were of the opinion that, by the spirit, it was meant to be the nature of the revelations that were brought down by angel Gabriel, and not meant to be the soul, as it was generally understood, by other commentators.]
Translation, Commentary & Explanation of Chapter 18 Al-Kahfi.
{page 2 of the above continuation}

Ibnu Murdawaih brought forward a hadis from Ibnu Abbas, a companion of Prophet Muhammad, who narrated, that, one day there was a meeting of the unbelieving Quraisy people.
Among them were Atabah ibnu Rabi'ah, Syaibah ibnu Rabi'ah, Abu Jahal ibnu Hisyam, An Nadhr ibnu Harits, Umayyah ibnu Khalaf, Al Ashi ibnu Wa'il, Al Aswad ibnu Abdul Muthalib and Abu Buhturi.

Seeing that, Prophet Muhammad was very heavily saddened by their rejection of his call. Thus GOD reveal to him the following verseof the Quran,

"So perhaps you will destroy and kill yourself, in grief, after they turn away from you and do not believe in the explanation of the Quran, because you are sad, as you really wanted them to believe."

[CHAPTER 18 - AL-KAHFI Verse 6]
GOD is giving us some kind of counselling on how to live in this world. All that GOD wants from us is to convet the message, but we do not have to ensure that people will listen and follow our mission.
Accepting the message of GOD is purely with the will of GOD himself. HE will choose who among mankind will believe and follow.
Of course GOD can change what HE has decided on. HE has HIS wishes. HE can make us go to Heaven, if we really work very hard for it, even after HE has decided that we go to Hell.
HE is the MOST POWERFUL GOD. HE does what HE likes. You and I cannot question HIM.
Our duty is live this life a good way. The rest is all in the hands of GOD.
Do not be depressed of what happen in this world.
Do not be angry with what other people do, but be mindful about what we do.

006-3e Historical events of The Cave

Translation, Commentary & Explanation of Chapter 18 Al-Kahfi.
We pause for a while to focus on the historical events relating to the revelation of the Sleepers of the Cave. In short the unbelievers of Mecca did not believe that Prophet Muhammad is a prophet. This chapter in the Quran revealed to them and to us that Prophet Muhammad is a prophet to lead mankind to the real success in this world and the Hereafter.
Allow me to call you to reflect on the purpose why we live in this world. This life on Earth is temporary, just as what was told to us by Prophets Abraham, Eshmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. We will return to the Kingdom of GOD, in the Hereafter, when this world and the universe come to an End.
Somehow, some people in history changed the evidences and created differences between the religion brought by the prophets mentioned above.
Let us be united again as one mankind because the END of the Worlds is very near around the corner. Let us be saved and returned to The Almighty God, Lord of the Worlds with HIS acceptance.
Yeah....I agree with you. Who is GOD?
I have no answer for you. You have to find HIM on your own. It starts with your sincere eagerness and dedtermination to find HIM in your pure hearts.
Lets now look back into the Commentary in Tafsir Jalalain.

Asbabun Nuzul [1] on Chapter 18 The Cave.

In the name of The God Most Compassionate Most Merciful
Ibnu Jarir brought forward a hadis [2] via the narration of Ibnu Ishaq who received it from a Syekh in Egypt, who received it from Ikrimah, and Ikrimahreceived it from a companion of the Prophet, Ibnu Abbas, who narrated that, once the unbelieving Quraisy peoplesent An Nadhr ibnul Harits and Uqbah ibnu Abu Muithas delegation to the Jewish Rabbis in Madinah.

The Quraisy requested the 2 delegates to ask the Rabbis,"Ask them about Muhammad and the news that he brought, because they were the first community to be given the Holy Sciptures. They had the knowledge about the prophets which we do not have."

When the 2 delegates reached Madinah they immediately asked the Rabbis about Muhammad's claim as a prophet and some of what he said.

The Rabbis advised the 2 delegates,
"Ask Muhammad about 3 things. If he can answer them, then he is a true prophet. If he cannot answer them, then he is a fake. Ask him about the youths of the past who went for seclusion from their people, ask him about a man who conquered the Far West and Far East, and ask him about the spirit, What is spirit?"

- - - - will be continued with God's will- - - - - - - - -


[1] Asbabun Nuzul can be understood as the historicalincidents or events that occured before or after a certain verses of the Quran was revealed. Literally, it means "reasons for coming down".

[2] hadis = saying of Prophet Muhammad

12 September 2008

UEFA 028 – Ni Aiwa

The gleaming smiles of the Switzerland

UEFA 028 – Ni Aiwa

In UEFA 1994 visits to Europe, I had grown long hair. The religious values in me had worn out, due to some personal depression that I went through as I was approaching 40.

It all began when I foolishly gave up all religious activities, in order to spend more time with my children and their studies.

It became worst when I started making budgeting calculation of my salary and expenses. I realized that I had been spending all my salary for my family, i.e. 4-room HDB flat in Tampines, wife and 3 daughters.

I was unhappy and my wild thoughts provoked me with the unfair treatment I treated myself.

“You should spend some money for yourself!!”
the devil whispered loudly in my ears.

I was seduced by the whispers. I bought an AIWA mini compo Hi-Fi set with CD player and cassette tape player and recorder and also an AIWA walkman with stereo earphones.

When alone At home I would play my favorite songs to a high volume to enjoy the sense-surround bass reflex. Away, I would plug my ears with my favorite songs via the walkman.

The walkman and my favorite musical tape albums followed me to Europe. Some of albums were Collection of M Nasir, Search & Wings, Ella, Cliff Richards, Engelbert & Tom Jones. Latest was Ella USA. I would listened to her almost every other day.

This Malay composer was born in Singapore and became successful song producer, writer, composer, who wrote original Malay songs with strong adherence to Malay culture.

While the album Rampage by a rock band Search, who follow the music genre of Scorpion for ballads and Mettalica for heavy metal.

What I like about them and other albums, is because they contained some religious values if you are to reflect deeply in the lyrics. I leave that to you to find out. I found my path and solace and they finally hold my hands to come kneeling to ALLAH, The Absolute ONE.

I gave away a football album of our Lion football team to Zimmermann, and, another album 'Saudagar Mimpi' by Malay composer M Nasir to Mr Aerni, as he sometimes performed with his band in weekend functions.

From here onwards, I would like my family to understand my passion for writing the Truth. This is not to display the dirty side of me, but, for everyone to reflect on the disadvantages of travelling, especially alone. Please do not follow this bad lifestyle of me, of which I had repented. I am writing it here to caution my children, relatives and friends to be mindful of today's challenges living as a faithful servants of GOD. There are too many seductions out there in this worldly life. Beware and becareful about their fatal attractions.

Coming along with the long hair and my Aiwa, was a little naughty side of me. With a sudden flirtatious character, I easily had conversations with the pretty Swiss girls. I found the courage I lost in 1986 trip. My shyness and religious discipline crumbled into the Swiss see.

The Swiss girls are very friendly and flirtatious too. A girl in a pharmacy proudly said that she had been to Singapore and that she liked Singaporean. We had quite a long chat from weather to hobbies. She spoke fluent English. Luckily, I was not entangled further into any complicated affair, until it was time for me to leave Heerbrugg for Paris.

449 words

Drafted on 07.04.2007

Edited on 03.05.2007 at 0042hrs

At Woodlands Avenue 5

006-2e The Cave 18:26 - Only YOU know how long

For my new visitors, this series of the meaning of the Holy Qur'an taken from an authentic source of Tafsir Jalalain. I was translating it into English. May this small effort brings the favour of GOD on all mankind. I fetched the meanings from other translations of the Qur'an as well, to make sure I am on the right track.

Translation, Commentary & Explanation of Chapter 18 Al-Kahfi.

Literal Translation of verse 26.
Say GOD knows best about their stay. To HIM belongs the unseen of the heavens and earth. HIS vision of them is Most Clear and HIS hearing is Most Sharp. They have no protector other than HIM. And there is no any partner in HIS rule.

Commentary by Jalalain.
Say, ALLAH knows best how long they stayed in the cave, than the people who were talking about them. To HIM belongs all the knowledge of that which are hidden in the heavens and earth. How clear is HIS sight and how sharp is HIS hearing, and HE sees, HE hears and HE knows everything. There is no protector for the inhabitants of the heavens and earth other than HIM. And HE does not appoint any assistant in making HIS decision, as HE does not need any partner.

Commentary by Muhammad Asad.
Say "GOD knows best how long they remained there. HIS alone is the knowledge of the hidden reality of the heavens and the earth. How well does HE see and hear! No guardian have they, apart from HIM, because HE allots to no one a share in HIS rule."

Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
Say "ALLAH knows best how long they stayed. With him is the knowledge of the secrets of the heavens and the earth. How clearly HE sees, How finely HE hears, They have no protectors other than HIM. Nor does HE shares HIS command with any person whatsoever.

There are still narrow streets in Singapore

The fact that F1 will be held in Singapore shows that we have high quality roads and highly efficient road construction technology and maintenance. We can reassure the F1 drivers on that, but what we cannot promise them is the weather. We can have unpredictable very heavy rain, or we can have haze from forest fire next door. So our weather wizard must be on their toe all time to foresee in their weather gadgets to see the surroundings environment.

Despite that we still have norrow roads and streets in other parts of developed Singapore.

This one here is Jln Uji. Jln is an acronym for Jalan which means Road in English. Apparently, these road names shown above is Malay names. Uji means test. Therefore, Jln Uji would means "Test Road".

If fits the name, because for new drivers, you will face the challenge to adjust your gears, brakes and accelerator as you try to climb up the hilly road.

Anyhow, it is still manageable, until you reach to the end of Jln Uji, as shown by the next picture.

This above picture shows the condition of a road named Lorong Chamar. This is again a Malay name. Lorong means 'Lane' and Chamar is a name of a bird. A resident of that area came to meet me while I was on my tour of duty, sometime in August 2008.

He was reporting to me that, the residents there had approached the Member of Parliament to consider improvement of this particular road but no improvement had been done. I could only nodded my head with occasional, "yes you are right", because I am not in-charge of road improvement or management.

To be franked, I had detour my actual tour of duty, just curious to see how does the area of Jln Uji is all about. I have seen these names in my street directory but have never been there. So, since I am already nearby why not pop in to appreciate the ambience of nature life in this foothills of the highest hill of Singapore, that is, Bukit Timah Hill Nature Reserve area. Bukit means 'hill' and Timah means 'tin'. So its 'Tin Hill isn't it..!!!

Some months before this, i.e. in February 2008, I came by another narrow road of Singapore, Jln Gaharu.

Gaharu means 'sandalwood'. So this is 'Sandalwood Road'. I even have a video recording of this stretch of road. I try to include it here if possible, because I am not well-verse with such editing in the blog.

Was I driving in the wrong direction of a one way road?

Wow so lucky I was not, as the word 'HUMP' is facing me. But this is very narrow. What happen if another vehicle come from the opposite direction. By the way, I am not a new driver to be afraid of on-coming vehicle, but just curious that there are still narrow streets in Siangapore.
Yes there are in fact still many narrows roads and streets in developed unique Singapore. See next picture below.

This one is Smith Street in the middle of the hustle and bustle of busy Chinatown area in Singapore. This is a scene in the early morning on 28 August 2008. I can't imagine how bad it would be during peak hours where there are many vehicle plying around these narrow street.

I had to drive very slowly to avoid knocking down the lady on my right. And if front of her there are even more pedestrians.

I had to stop because the lorry on my left seems to be reversing.

Ahhh at last I made it through but now another hazard infront of me along the same Smith Street at 8:05 am. Alorry is coming from the wrong direction on my right. On my left is a stationary lorry parked for loading and umloading within a yellow box area. In front of the stationary lorry is a car parked on a double-yellow line. Next to the car is another car who had to stop to give way to pedestrian.
On that fateful day I reported half-an-late to work, because after this incidents at Smith Street I had to endure another traffic jam at Cecil Street where constructions are in progress to built the new MRT tunnel and a viaduct to cater for the flow of people and traffic towards Marina business area and the Intergrated Resort area at marina Bay.
Well....there is no use in complaining but it was just an observation. The rest I leave to GOD to fix up all loose things in life. I pray that GOD will educate people to behave in a manner that will not cuase inconveniences and dangers to others.

07 September 2008

2008 FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix

2008 FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix Circuit Map
The 2008 FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix street circuit
has received in-principle approval by the
Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA),
via the Singapore Motor Sports Association.

Finally...with a click of a button I found this circuit map in the internet. I know it is not clear. Well you can go the internet ypourself to find out the detail route.

F1 in Unique Singapore

F1 in Unique Singapore ! ! !

Unique because it will be at night. The poster above shows how the heat is burning in every hearts of proud Singaporean. They even have a theme for their Annual Company Dinner that is related to the high profile International event.

Posters are already up since amonth ago, to discourage other motorist from using the busy roads leading to the event site.

The posters are all over in the busiest Central Business District (CBD) of Singapore, that is, Robinson and Shenton Road area. 4 new road pricing gantries are already in operation in the evening to give a better effect than just the posters. Passing these gantries will cost from S$1.00 onwards, depending on class of vehicles and the timing. Heavy vehicles will have to pay more. During peak hours the charges will be increased and will recede gradually after the peak hours are over.

This is a view from Robinson Road heading towards Collyer Quay where the event site is located.

Above is the preparation of the stage for spectators opposite of The Esplanade. Take note also of the temporary pillars for the additional lightings which compliment the already bright streets lamps.

See how busy is the roads infront of The Esplanade on weekdays. In the background was what used to be the world's tallest hotel, Westin Stamford Hotel, but now knowned as Swissotel The Stamford.
This is how the seats are arranged. It is only partially ready. This photo was taken on the 4 September 2008.

The above view is looking back to the area infront of The Esplanade, just before the bridge that crosses Singapore River. This is a new bridge called Esplanade Drive. It now connects Collyer Quay directly to Nicoll Highway. This used to be the sea, but the long years of land reclamation project has made it possible for the shorter direct connection from the eastern part of Singapore to the City Centre.

This is the Espalnade Drive which is a bridge. The bridge ends and is connected to the Fullertonn Building which was used to be the General Post Office of Singapore, located infront of Clifford Pier. The staging are used for erecting the pillars and the additional street lightings.
The above picture shows The Fullerton Building which is now known as One Fullerton and is a hotel. Saturday's newspaper expressed the worries of one of the would be F1 drivers, who made comparison of Singapore F1 and Valencia, where weather in Singqapore is always wet.
Driving at wet night is dangerous, because of the reflections from the streets. Especially, when there are hundreds of strong spot light along the streets. Drivers can be blinded but the glare. However, ultra-violet visor can help to reduce the glare.

From the Fullerton the F! loop to the right towards an old historical bridge, The Anderson Bridge. This is a very sharp turn. I cannot imagine how the drivers are going to go thru this during a night with heavy downpour. Good Luck youn guys MacClarenese.

From then bridge the tracks runs up infront of Singapore Cricket Club and then infront of the Supreme Court. The above pictures is taken on 4 Sep at Supreme Court. It shows how the barriers are been staged up. I have not figured out the complete extent of the track, but I think from Supreme Court it turns to the right into Stamford Road and then into Nicoll Highway, then into Raffles Boulevard, Republic Boulevard and back to the Esplanade via Raffles Avenue.

As shown above, from Beach Road view of the Suntec City and The Singapore Flyer, the track will go into the Marina Area towards the Singapore Flyer.

What to do when your kitchen sink is chocked?

What to do when your kitchen sink is chocked?

Two bowl kitchen sink. The middle small one is for spoons, forks and other small items...or for sponge bob...!!!! square pants...???? neh neh neh neh neh.....

all the 3 join into one kitchen sink drain pipe which ended at the cup.

From the cup the drain pipe ism join to the main kitchen drain pipe that goes underneath the tiles.

A hole in front of the cabinet that also leads to the kitchen main drain pipe.

But there no access to the main kitchen drain hole.

It is underneath one of the loose tile.

It is dark and smelly in there. A potential coakcroach and mosquito breeding place. Suggest that you regularly spray this hole and the front hole with insecticide. Now see my sketch of the whole picture....

........and now the tips on how to clear the choke........

What to do when your kitchen sink is chocked?

You need not impulsively call a plumber, who will only scissor your pocket, or cut your throat or perhaps even kill you with a bomb…..!!!!!

Here are some tips. Try them outn first, if you cannot fix it then call me, “The Choke Buster”.

I will give you my name and contact later. I’m not important, but it you who is very important, as you are facing the problem, and fighting your war with “The Choke”.

First before we go to the tips, let’s us discuss the signs and symptoms of a choke.
water drain out very slowly.
If you pour lots of water in one sink, it come out in the other sink. This signs is for kitchen with 2 sinks, side by side.

Threat this tips like First Aid tips.:-

Use the plumber’s pump to pump the choke away from your kitchen sink.

If step 1 cannot work, then go down to the bottom of your kitchen sink. Unscrew the cap of your kitchen sink’s pipe. You will find lots of things got choked in this cap. Normally, it is because of hairs and toothpicks, which are the main causes of all chokes. I will try to provide pictures later on, if available. Otherwise, you can explore the ‘behind the scene’ of your kitchen sink to find this cap.

If step 2 cannot work, then, you have to explore further, to see where does the water go to from this cap. Normally, the water will flow up again from the cap, into another drain pipe. This pipe will bring the water to the main drain pipe of your house. In step 2, we are at the drain pipe of the kitchen sink. This step is a lillte bit difficult, but, I am telling you it is worthwhile, though, this exploration may be very smelly.

This main drain pipe is normally underneath the kitchen cabinet, and can be very far away from your kitcchen sink. This depends very much on the design of your kitchen. In one of my case, it was only about 1metre away, but, I had to sweat myself out to find it, as it was hidden underneath the one of tiles.

I discovered it because I saw a small gap on the floor at the front of the kitchen cabinet. I cleared all the stuffs in the cabinet at that area, but found no drain hole. This hole is also the drain hole that leads to the main drain pipe, to drain all water out from the kitchen floor. Every kitchen must have this, so that we can drain the water out when we wash the kitchen.

I almost gave it up. But I thought, I might as well clean the tile in that area, as all the stuff are out. While wiping the tiles I found out that one of the tile is loose. I lifted it out and found the drain hole.

It was very dark and smelly in that drain hole. I shone my torchlight into the drain pipe and found that it was blocked or choked by something that looks like a piece of cloth. I put in a stick to find out that it was hard and was about half-a-metre deep. I stirred the choke and discovered it was thick.

I get a pail ready beside the drain hole, and start digging out ‘The Choke”

You want to know what “The Choke” was?

It was not a piece of cloth or newspaper, but it was a thick layer of fat.

Yeah…it was a thick layer of animal fats, accumulated over 5 years, since the time of the previous owner of the house.

Obviously, the previous owner never have explored until that far, where I was exploring.

After clearing the fats, I close everything back and tested the kitchen sink, and everything was back to normal.

It was very unbearable, as the smell really stink. Imagine, keeping animal fat for 5 years plus additional wastes that got stuck in between the fats…!!!

But I swear it was wothwhile, because the plumber will easily charge you S$200 if not more.

Good Luck. May ALLAH make things easy for you in all your affairs, because, only ALLAH can change all affairs, from difficult to easy, and vice-versa.
...........and just the same as above ......
our body and spiritual system may also get choked.
As we are created by ALLAH the Almighty GOD and the Greatest and the Most Clever, he has already supplied us with the tips on how to overcome the choke of our physical body and our spitual soul.
1. Read the Quran. This is a kind of breathing exercise if you look it from the scientific view. From the spiritual advice of the Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, reading Quran will pump away the Choke of the satan who are running in our body via our blood vessels. After we have pump the satan out from our blood vessels, the tendencies of getting a high cholestrol blockage is very slim. However, we read and memorize the Quran, not to become a Hafeez, or an alim but rather reading the Quran is the commandments of GOD, and memorizing it is the way of life, shown as example to us by Prophet Muhammad.