20 September 2008

006-3e Historical events of The Cave

Translation, Commentary & Explanation of Chapter 18 Al-Kahfi.
We pause for a while to focus on the historical events relating to the revelation of the Sleepers of the Cave. In short the unbelievers of Mecca did not believe that Prophet Muhammad is a prophet. This chapter in the Quran revealed to them and to us that Prophet Muhammad is a prophet to lead mankind to the real success in this world and the Hereafter.
Allow me to call you to reflect on the purpose why we live in this world. This life on Earth is temporary, just as what was told to us by Prophets Abraham, Eshmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. We will return to the Kingdom of GOD, in the Hereafter, when this world and the universe come to an End.
Somehow, some people in history changed the evidences and created differences between the religion brought by the prophets mentioned above.
Let us be united again as one mankind because the END of the Worlds is very near around the corner. Let us be saved and returned to The Almighty God, Lord of the Worlds with HIS acceptance.
Yeah....I agree with you. Who is GOD?
I have no answer for you. You have to find HIM on your own. It starts with your sincere eagerness and dedtermination to find HIM in your pure hearts.
Lets now look back into the Commentary in Tafsir Jalalain.

Asbabun Nuzul [1] on Chapter 18 The Cave.

In the name of The God Most Compassionate Most Merciful
Ibnu Jarir brought forward a hadis [2] via the narration of Ibnu Ishaq who received it from a Syekh in Egypt, who received it from Ikrimah, and Ikrimahreceived it from a companion of the Prophet, Ibnu Abbas, who narrated that, once the unbelieving Quraisy peoplesent An Nadhr ibnul Harits and Uqbah ibnu Abu Muithas delegation to the Jewish Rabbis in Madinah.

The Quraisy requested the 2 delegates to ask the Rabbis,"Ask them about Muhammad and the news that he brought, because they were the first community to be given the Holy Sciptures. They had the knowledge about the prophets which we do not have."

When the 2 delegates reached Madinah they immediately asked the Rabbis about Muhammad's claim as a prophet and some of what he said.

The Rabbis advised the 2 delegates,
"Ask Muhammad about 3 things. If he can answer them, then he is a true prophet. If he cannot answer them, then he is a fake. Ask him about the youths of the past who went for seclusion from their people, ask him about a man who conquered the Far West and Far East, and ask him about the spirit, What is spirit?"

- - - - will be continued with God's will- - - - - - - - -


[1] Asbabun Nuzul can be understood as the historicalincidents or events that occured before or after a certain verses of the Quran was revealed. Literally, it means "reasons for coming down".

[2] hadis = saying of Prophet Muhammad

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