Let us ponder on the purpose of our life, while we explore the blog.
For example, we used to ask, How this world existed? Why are we born in this world?
Where is justice in this world? How do I get even with that bully?
Like Dr Maurice Bucaille, lecturer in the Academy of Medicine in France, and like Leopold Weiss, also known as Muhammad Asad in his book 'The Road to Mecca', and Like Cat Stevens, also known as Yusuf Islam, we can find the answers in the Holy Quran.
I am presenting the Chapter 18 on the Cave from the Quran, because, I am following the advice of Prophet Muhammad, as mentioned in the authentic books of Hadis on his advices.
He advised us to read this chapter to counter the influence of the Anti-Christ.
In Arabic, the Anti-Christ is known as "Dajjal Al-Masih".
'Al-Masih' means 'Jesus The Christ' which in Arabic and also in The Quran is 'Isa Al-Masih'.
Of course, we have to read and understand the messagesin the this chapter, in order to be beneficial. In the following posting, God-willing, I will post the verses of the Chapter 18 : Al-Kahf meaning The Cave.
Many evidences and signs can be seen today, that the Anti-Christ is already lurking amongst us.
Details of Anti-Christ is too long, but suffice to saythat it is promoting the lifestyles which are against the teaching of Jesus, the Christ. That's where the nicknamed Anti-Christ.
The original intentions of writing this posting was for my children, young Muslims relatives and friends to ponder on the presence od the Anti-Christ as the world is winding down.
There is no obligation on your part to read and to believe. I only wish to share with you some of the Muslims beliefs, to relay a signal that, good Muslims are peaceful people.
They do care & share. They are not being exclusive, but, they have their obligations to practise the philosophy of the Quran, which is their guide book of life.
As such, it seems, they have limitations in their everyday social interactions.
It is my believe that, the problems of the world is because we have all deviated so much from the original lifestyle taught by all the Prophets, due to the influence of the Anti-Christ. So much so that, these days it seems untrendy to practise a religious lifestyle.
In this chapter of the Quran are historical evidencesof the influence of Dajjal the Anti-Christ and otherstories related to it.
There must be a relation between this chapter andthe Anti-Christ. Let us try to decode the hidden messages.