27 June 2009

Jogja 02 - Very Warm Welcome

As soon as we were cleared from the Immigration & Custom, the travel agent from Jogja welcome us with this specially made banner. they are from The Borobodur Discovery Tour Co.
Then I saw the public area of the Jogja airport.

When I turned around to look for the other co-travelers, I saw another friendly welcoming poster. O how they were very friendly. Much friendlier than us.
While waiting for the others to be cleared, i went to look for toilets....the loo to release my bladder.

I almost couldn't find it as it was written in a polite bahasa Indonesia as "Kamar Kecil" which means in English "Small Room". It means toilet.

In the man toilet, I had saw this label on its door "Closet Jongkok". I would say that it's more Javanese language than Bahasa Indonesia.

Anyway, it means the squatting toilet and not the sitting pan. I wonder what sitting pan would be in Javanese.

When i came out from the toilet, i saw another friendly welcome. this time from the famous Indonesian Pop Band "Ungu".

Enough for now guys.

++++Look out for Jogja 03 Insya ALLAH++++


  1. All their toilets are squatting ones?

  2. No lah.....I didn't visit the other one. But at other places there were sitting ones.
