27 June 2009

018-1 The Cave 18:51 -

Translation, Commentary & Explanation of Chapter 18 Al-Kahfi

The meaning of Verse 51

I did not bring them to witness the creation of Heaven and Earth and not even their own creation. I would not take those who are astray as assistants.

Commentary by Imam Jalalain:-

God did not appoint the Iblis and his offsprings to witness the creation of Heaven, Earth and themselves.

God did not bring anyone to witness the creation of anyone else, and HE did not take the satans as assistants in performing HIS creation, then why are you obeying them?

Commentary by Harun Yahya:-

Believers should only befriend the believers, the obedient and those who have good character.

Being with such people will protect us from going astray, and encourage us to do the good.

Satan appears to people as friends. Quran always commands believers to choose other believers as friends and helpers.

My Observations & Opinions :-

It is not that Muslims should not befriends Non-Muslims. This verse meant to say that Muslims must have at least one close Muslim friend to become some sort of a guide to him. When we are alone we are prone to do sinful things, but, if you have a Muslim friend with us, then that sinful thought comes under control.

===== will be continued with the help of GOD ====

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